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Rain, Roads, and Risk: What Recent Wet Weather Means for Drivers in Florida


Tampa FL auto accidents

Florida is experiencing an unusually wet May, with extensive amounts of rainy weather over the past week, and it looks like the trend will continue according to forecast predictions. With so many commuters traveling to and from Tampa each day, rainy weather and wet road conditions can mean high risk driving, and that’s never ideal. While there’s no guarantee for protection against weather-related automobile accidents, you can take precautions to stay safe while behind the wheel when roads are wet. Remember to…

  • Check your wiper blades and replace routinely. Wiper blades wear out quickly in Florida thanks to excessive use, and intense heat and sun when it isn’t raining. Wipers wear out more quickly than those of our northern neighbors, so you need to keep an eye on them. While there’s no hard and fast rule for how often you should replace them, many drivers opt for a new pair every year just to stay on top of it. It’s an inexpensive but effective defense against rainy driving conditions. Another easy way to help with visibility in rainy weather is by investing in a protective coating for your windows and windshield. These help water bead up and roll away quickly, meaning you don’t have streaky, cloudy glass inhibiting your view of the road.
  • Keep an eye on your tires. Just like wiper blades, the heat and sun in Florida can take a toll on tires, and if you are commuting often, mileage will also require tire replacements more frequently than those who stick to local destinations. Poor tire tread leads to longer stopping distances, decreased control, and higher likelihood of an accident. A quick and easy test for the tread on your tires is a penny! Turn Lincoln on his head, stick the penny into the tire tread, and if you can still see most of his face, you need to look at getting new tires ASAP.
  • Watch your speed. Speeding is never ok behind the wheel, but the consequences can be severe (and fatal) if you are speeding when weather conditions are rough. Wet pavement means you already need to allow more time and distance to stop, but speeding doesn’t account for those things. Taking a turn that usually wouldn’t be problematic at a high rate of speed in rainy weather could spell disaster for you or for another driver. It’s worth the effort to prepare ahead and allow extra time to reach your destination if you know the weather is less than ideal.
  • Watch for roadway debris. Because wet weather leads to a higher frequency of automobile accidents, it can be hard for cleanup crews to stay on top of the work, especially when ongoing foul weather keeps them from their job. That, paired with the poor driving conditions for you mean that a piece of scrap metal, a popped tire thanks to a shard of glass, or even pieces of blown out tire left on or near the road could lead to your own collision. If you’re driving in rainy weather, even during the middle of the day, keep your lights on to fully illuminate the road in front of you, and stay aware not just of the immediate stretch of pavement in front of you, but also of the shoulders of the road. That’s where debris tends to gather and if even a few inches are extending into the street, you could pay the consequences.

We know that accidents happen, and while the rainy weather is expected here in the Tampa Bay area, the ramifications from a collision are not. If you or someone you love has been injured or suffered damages due to a driver failing to heed the weather and drive carefully, we are here and ready to help you get the compensation you deserve. When the unexpected happens, WE STAND FOR YOU! Call us and make an appointment to discuss your case.

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