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How to Enjoy a Fun (And Safe) Independence Day


How to Enjoy a Fun (And Safe) Independence Day

July 4th is right around the corner, and we know the greater Tampa Bay area will be celebrating with plenty of firework displays, barbecues, parties, and festivities!

We are proud to celebrate a day of Independence and appreciate our freedom as Americans. But with all the celebration and independence we don’t want turn our backs on caution for the evening. Freedom doesn’t mean forgetting the rules! July 4th is indeed a fun holiday, but it can also be a dangerous holiday since many people make less-than-desirable choices that can have serious consequences.

So how can you protect yourself and those around you this Independence Day?

First and foremost is to limit your alcohol, and/or stay away from the driver’s seat. If you have had more than one drink within a short period of time, you need to stay put, or hand the keys to someone else who is sober. Driving while under the influence of alcohol often has tragic and deadly effects, and could end up harming not only you, but people you care about, and other drivers on the road. Go ahead and enjoy the party, but plan on staying for a long time to allow yourself time to sober up.

Another safety issue to consider on July 4th is the timing of the events you plan on attending. Many firework displays don’t take place until after dark, and that can be close to 9 o’clock at night. If you want to continue partying after the fireworks have died down, it’s best to plan on staying somewhere close by. Driving home over any distance when you’re tired can have consequences far greater than a simple bump up or swerve. If you fall asleep behind the wheel, or drive while drowsy and can’t concentrate, you could seriously injure or kill yourself or someone else. Don’t take the risk. Either make arrangements to stay overnight near the event, or head home early. If you do feel yourself get drowsy while behind the wheel at any point, take time to pull off and rest. It’s better to lose a little bit of travel time and arrive safely!

Finally, use caution and be on high alert when on the roads on Independence Day. Just because you are making sensible choices doesn’t mean other drivers are doing the same, and you could be the one that pays the price. “Defensive driving” should be practiced in excess on holidays like July 4th. It could end up saving your life or the lives of the ones you care about in your car.

We hope you enjoy a safe and enjoyable holiday. If your plans do go awry with an unexpected accident or injury, Sessums Law Group is ready and standing by to help you get the compensation you need and deserve in Tampa and Sarasota, Florida. Our legal team is highly qualified and prepared to assist you in navigating the journey of a trial, because WE STAND FOR YOU.

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